Sunday, July 04, 2004

Ok, it is the 4th of July and bombs are burting in air ...

but it seems to have a whole nuther meaning in the 21st century. We seem to be not so much celebrating our freedom as threatening the freedom in other parts of the world. I mean, heck, after our first preemptive invasion of another country in our history, bombs bursting in air must seem very threatening to other countries watching our pageant on CNN, the BBC and particularly Al Jezera. Mission has not been accomplished since we never had a real clear idea what the mission was so we have no idea how to judge accomplishment. There are no weapons to be found but no one outside of the US actually believed there were weapons. We have now unsuccessfully handed over power to our idea of Iraqi rulers who will most likely bear strong resemblances to our rulers in Vietnam, our rulers in Chile, our rulers in Iran and even our former rulers in Iraq, the guy we now have locked up and sitting down for what was supposed to be a nice mock trial lead up to our November election. But ...

But, Saddam does not seem to be playing by the rules, so look for less Saddam coverage or maybe a Jack Ruby like accident if he really gets unruly and maybe starts talking about his long term relationship with King George the 1st and/or Rummy, hisself

So, the idea of bombs bursting in air seems like a bad idea this year if it ever was a good idea. Probably I just didn't think real hard about the metaphoric reality of fireworks and what they stand for these days. Luckily in the Midwest where I live it has been raining off and on all day and seemed to really start to come down just as the first 'bombs bursting' launched tonight.

I think next year I may push for a fireworks free 4th and see who shows up.


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